Software Available at Brandeis | LTS | Brandeis University
Link: Software Available at Brandeis | LTS | Brandeis University: ""
Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in the industry - Blogomatano
Link: Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in the industry - Blogomatano: "Some good ideas in here. I agree with much of it. Pick up an insight or two."
Some newly minted grads create their own jobs — and companies - Business - The Boston Globe
Link: Some newly minted grads create their own jobs — and companies - Business - The Boston Globe: "But despite the financial worries, Stace-Naughton — lie the rest of the Start-Up Class of 2013 — doesn’t lack for confidence. “It’s going to work out,” she says. “Entrepreneurship is kind of a personality and a lifestyle, more than a career. You just have to be willing to make it work.”"
Speed up ActiveRecord with a little tweaking - via @codeship
Link: Speed up ActiveRecord with a little tweaking - via @codeship: "Some excellent techniques for making activerecord perform best."
Splunk Product Tour - Machine Data Collection | Splunk
Link: Splunk Product Tour - Machine Data Collection | Splunk: "Splunk Enterprise is the fastest way to aggregate, analyze and get answers from your data with the help of machine learning and real-time visibility."
Splunk Storm | Cloud Data Analysis and Log Management
Link: Splunk Storm | Cloud Data Analysis and Log Management: "Data and log file analysis"
Stacks and Queues — BaseCS Video Series
Link: Stacks and Queues — BaseCS Video Series: "Great explanation of stacks and queues"
Standard Deviation is an Inferior Measurement*
Link: Standard Deviation is an Inferior Measurement*: "Interesting bit of statistics esoterica..."