The Netflix Tech Blog: Making the Netflix API More Resilient
Link: The Netflix Tech Blog: Making the Netflix API More Resilient: "Maintaining high availability and resiliency for a system that handles a billion requests a day."
The New Atlantis - A Journal of Technology & Society
Link: The New Atlantis - A Journal of Technology & Society: "A journal defending science and technology for, not on, human beings"
The New New Atheism -
Link: The New New Atheism - "An interesting article about atheism"
The New Yorker
Link: The New Yorker: "Reporting, Profiles, breaking news, cultural coverage, podcasts, videos, and cartoons from The New Yorker."
The Next Level of Data Visualization in Python – Towards Data Science
Link: The Next Level of Data Visualization in Python – Towards Data Science: "Great new visualization library that I had not seen before!"
The Online Therapy Services We’d Use
Link: The Online Therapy Services We’d Use: "After more than 70 hours of research and appointments on five platforms, we recommend starting your search for an online therapist with Amwell."
The Open Motion Planning Library
Link: The Open Motion Planning Library: "Looks very useful. A collection of algorithms"
The Open Syllabus Project – Opening the curricular black box
Link: The Open Syllabus Project – Opening the curricular black box: "Opening the curricular black box"