The simplicity and power of Ruby Struct - usage, performance, alternatives
Link: The simplicity and power of Ruby Struct - usage, performance, alternatives: "Interesting esoteric info about ruby, structs, hashes and more!"
The top 20 online coding tools | Feature | .net magazine
Link: The top 20 online coding tools | Feature | .net magazine: "Great set of online coding tools"
The world in which IPv6 was a good design
Link: The world in which IPv6 was a good design: "A deceptively chatty but still very dense and technical tour through the history of internet protocols. I got through 3/4 of it before getting lost. Very good."
The wxPython tutorial
Link: The wxPython tutorial: "This is wxPython tutorial. In this tutorial, we will learn the basics of GUI programming in wxPython."
They Write the Right Stuff | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Link: They Write the Right Stuff | Fast Company | Business + Innovation: "As the 120-ton space shuttle sits surrounded by almost 4 million pounds of rocket fuel, exhaling noxious fumes, visibly impatient to defy gravity, its on-board computers take command."
Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus
Link: Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus: "An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. It's a tool for people who think visually. The most fun you've ever had with words. The Visual Thesaurus was built using Thinkmap, a data visualization technology."
This Dev Bootcamp Will Make You More Hireable in 9 Weeks
Link: This Dev Bootcamp Will Make You More Hireable in 9 Weeks: "San Francisco startup Dev Bootcamp takes programming novices and turns them into hirable Ruby on Rails coders through an intense nine-week course."
This Picture Will Change the Way You Learn to Code
Link: This Picture Will Change the Way You Learn to Code: "Tips and tricks for how to learn to code like the pros."