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Booting MS Windows on Intel Macs: Interesting bit of analysis

To be honest, hardly followed the pages and pages of blog analysis of Apple's recent release of "Boot Camp" a utility allowing users to boot WIndows XP on Macintosh Intel-based computers. Didn't seem like that big a deal to me. Today in the New York Times, a good op-ed piece analyzing what it may or may not mean, by Robert X. Cringely. If you haven't followed the debate, this is a good primer:

"HELL froze over this week as Apple Computer unveiled Boot Camp, a free program that will allow its new Macintosh computers with Intel microprocessors to run Microsoft's Windows XP operating system as an alternative to Apple's OS X. The news media were agog and Apple's stock price zoomed at the announcement. In my view, it was mildly interesting , but hardly the revolution Apple users want to see." (from "New York Times, Microsoft's Mac Attack")

Read the article. Technorati Tags: apple, bootcamp

Come to OPML Camp: May 20-21, 2006, Boston, USA!

There is a lot of stuff going on with OPML these days. OPML stands for Outline Processing Markup Language, invented and evangelized by Dave Winer some number of years ago. Since then though, at least from my observation, it's had its greatest traction as an import / export format for RSS Aggregators. But now, there are lots of cool new ideas floating around, prototypes and products being built, that rely on and leverage OPML. Also there are lots of less new sites which are using OPML in interesting ways. In short, anyone who uses, generates, processes, filters or renders a hierarchical list of some kind, especially of Feeds, should consider using OPML as input or output or both. That is the way to interop, and lots of amazing leverage. Think of it as a different kind of mashup! OPML camp can be a gathering where the ones who are 'into' OPML compare notes with each other and discover new directions, and the ones who can't spell OPML get a chance to learn and add their ideas to the mix. Come to OPML Camp. I'll be there! Here are the coordinates: When : May 20-21 Where : Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Signup : click here Technorati Tags: OPML, opmlcamp, readinglists

Mac users: is this new?

Apple just shipped 10.4.6, the latest revision to the OS X. This may be old, but I never noticed that the blue Spotlight menu icon in the top right of the screen has a little pulsing dot in the middle of the magnifying glass, presumably to tell me that it was busy indexing stuff, presumably explaining why my computer is running a little hard right now. Is it a new little touch or has it **always been there? ** Technorati Tags: osx

Do you like meaningless coincidences?

On Wednesday of next week, At two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be: 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won 't happen again until 3006 (you may not be around to see it)…

“We make it up in volume”

There's a new meme floating around, "Freemium ", a cute/clever word for a kind of business model. Giving it away free. Say what? You may know that I am associated with a software product which is given away free. BlogBridge is a substantial, useful, real product, which for some crazy reason, we give away free. Everyone wants to know, "What's your business model"? So now I have a cool/web2.0 response: "Freemium." Many people have written about this new term, even though as far as I can tell it was coined a few days ago! Aint the blogosphere great? Anyway Davd Beisel wrote a good summary of the basic concept and then builds on it, perhaps explaining why it is an appealing model:

"With the abundant number of technology-enabled services and content available today, customers want to mitigate risk in the usage and purchasing of them. By apportioning the clear payment associated with the value away from its initial transmission, business which do so address this need, fostering viral spreading, usage, and loyalty of their service." (from "Musing on Freemium and Ad-Supported")

My question is though, who is mitigating the risk for the author? I've written about this, and have spoken many times about it: Why do we all expect great software to be free? Why do people turn their noses up when they are asked for a measly $29.95 for a work that took hundreds if not thousands of person days to create? In my opinion it is because of that expectation that we are stuck with monopolies and hegemonies that are so totally locked in. No-one can afford to compete!

Amazing(ly unpleasant) story about a car

My friend Francois posts a horrifying real-life story about him and his Mercedes Benz. It makes a compelling read, kind of like watching a train wreck is compelling.

"My final analysis? No wonder Mercedes has tumbled to 21st in the most recent JD Power Satisfaction Survey. It is mind boggling (instructive too) to witness and experience how such a prestigious brand has fallen so far so fast. And while I've learned something, believe me that it's been no fun being on the receiving end of this knowledge." (from "Mercedes - a case study on how to squander a great brand")

Could it be that buying Chrysler was not such a good idea after all? Read the whole post! Oh, and being the consummate marketer , Francois can't resist a plug for his upcoming "Innovative Marketing Conference CMO Summit":

"Oh one more thing: Mr McNabb, if you happen to stumble upon this post, I would like to extend you a complimentary invitation to our upcoming Innovative Marketing Conference's CMO Summit - a $1,500 value. Not only would it be fun to have you there to discuss Mercedes as a case study, but you might actually walk away from the event with some valuable lessons on how to do the right thing for your customers." (from "Mercedes - a case study on how to squander a great brand")

Technorati Tags: mercedesbenz

RSS Alley Geek Dinner II – A great time was had by all!

Last night's event was a lot of fun. A ton of energy in the room, people huddling around comparing notes, even doing some demos. The place was nice and loud (good) and packed (also good!) Thanks again to the co-organizers, Bela Labovitch, Adam Green. Also to the folks at Top Ten Sources and RSS Labs for sharing their wonderful space with us. If you missed this one, don 't fret. We'll be organizing the next one soon, somewhere around the beginning of June. Technorati Tags: geekdinner, RSSAlley