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Why do I blog, anyway?

While I was on vacation I often had an idea pop in my head and feel the urge to write about it my blog. Why, why, why?

I think I've been writing this blog for over three years. Here is my very first post. Since then I must have spent innumerable hours writing. It is almost like an addiction.

Why? I've given this thought over the months and years, and also have had to answer the question more than once. Here's what I think:

  1. When you work on your own like I do, you miss the usual outlet of popping into someone's office to tell them or show them or share with them something interesting, cool, funny or great that you experienced or saw. Writing it on my blog gives me an alternate outlet.

  2. Often I write in my blog for my own future reference. Something which I think is useful or memorable often gets put down just so I can later remind myself of what I was thinking and working on at the time.

  3. It's definitely a kick to know that anyone on earth can read what I write, and in fact that thousands are doing so every day or so.

  4. I am obsessed with the phenomenon of blogging (viz. BlogBridge and related projects)

  5. It's a live, rich and personal testimony of who I am and what I am about, kind of an online professional reputation which is part of my professional persona and supports my consulting.

  6. I guess I love writing.

Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park

As promised here is the first of the collection of posts inspired on my recent trip. All I can say is "Utah is an amazing place." This is one of my favorite pictures taken at Bryce. It looks otherworldly to me… If you check out Flickr you can see the other pictures that I took while out there. I actually took over 400 so this was my first attempt at identifying the 100 best. Still sorting.

Anyway, as you can see from the picture, Bryce is barren land, but amazing colors. Like many of the places we went to, it's basically a desert. The geologic structures seen here and elsewhere have to do with the fact that this section of Utah sits on the so-called Colorado plateau which was uplifted to 6-7 and -8 thousand feet at some part in the distant future. The red, by the way, is sandstone with iron content, oxidized.

As I said, Utah is awesome, check it out sometime!

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