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What is the relationship between Technorati tags and Google search results?

Bill Ives of the [tag]Portals and KM[/tag] blog did an interesting bit of analysis about how tagging with Technorati may or may not affect rankings in Google.

It's something I've been paying attention to as well. Recently I found this really nice WordPress plug in that makes it dead easy to tag content in Technorati. It's called '[tag]SimpleTags[/tag]' and it allows me to simply mark up the text I am writing inline and certain words will automagically become Technorati tags.

An interesting paper about social networks

The guy who created [tag]Live Journal[/tag] (Brad Fitzpatrick) has a manifesto of sorts regarding what needs to happen next in the world of [tag]social networking[/tag]. He is certainly not the first to identify the problem:

"If I had to declare the problem statement succinctly, it'd be: People are getting sick of registering and re-declaring their friends on every site., but also: Developing "Social Applications" is too much work." (from Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph)

TextMate and Ruby

I'm an on and off [tag]Ruby[/tag] developer, and recently I've been trying to decide whether I should use Eclipse for Ruby development or whether TextMate (I am on a Mac) is better.

Why even think of [tag]Eclipse[/tag]? Simply that I know it well and it's very rich for developing Java. It's also cross platform. From my investigation though, Ruby support in Eclipse is still immature.

On Mac, TextMate is the hero of Ruby developers. But given that Ruby doesn't have a debugger and nirvana to Ruby developers is the interactive ruby shell, IRB, I'm not convinced yet.

Would this have saved JFK Jr?

Check out this post from James Fallows:

A small plane apparently crashed last night on Nantucket Island. First reports are never quite right, but it appears that the weather was terrible -- dark; very low clouds; mist and fog; sea, sky, and land in a blur. These are deadly conditions to fly in, and the same conditions in the same area killed John F. Kennedy Jr. 8 years ago.*

(from: Would this have saved JFK Jr?)

Announcement: September PHP User Group

On September 11, 2007, the [tag]Boston PHP User Group[/tag] is meeting about "Building the PHP-stack for the [tag]enterprise[/tag]":

"PHP has become ubiquitous when it comes to personal blogs, content management systems, ecommerce sites and more. Take any list of Web 2.0 sites and you’ll find that more than 50% have PHP as back-end technology. What is less known is that PHP is also making significant inroads in the enterprise. Join BostonPHP, IBM and Zend as we discuss where "Enterprise" PHP (and OSS) is going and how it's going to get there. : (from Boston PHP)

If you are into [tag]PHP[/tag] you should check it out!

“The Most Expensive Bidder”


I saw this in Dilbert this weekend.

I've lived this myself.

And I've been accused of "you make competing sound bad."

They may have a point, I don't know.

BlogBridge release 5.10 now with more vitamins

Over on BlogBridge we just announced that release 5.10 just came out, you should try BlogBridge out! In the post there is also a review and explanation of the difference between our bi-weekly development releases and our full-fledged stable releases which come out every 6 or so months. Here is an exhaustive list of new stuff in BlogBridge over the releases.

Of special note is the neat new and improved photo album view which brings the fun and pleasure of following photo blogs to a new level. At least I think so! Check it out, tell your friends, digg it, stumble it, and in general, help us get the word out!


Stuff from Dan
Perjovsch I like this snippet of the art work from a new exhibit at the Moma of the art of Dan Perjovsch. Ah, but is it art? Who knows.

From The Museum of Modern Art's web site: "[…]For his first solo museum exhibition in the United States, the artist will draw witty and incisive political images, in response to current events[…]"

How does this relate to Paul Graham's recent bit about Stuff, and entitled "Stuff" where he says: "[…]And yet when I got back I didn't discard so much as a box of it. Throw away a perfectly good rotary telephone? I might need that one day.[…]"

Not me. I love throwing out stuff. In fact I have a policy (that I sometimes follow) that I should give away, sell or discard one item of stuff before bringing in a new item of stuff into my life.