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Great, I think I agree with all of it. We should all be able to live with these!

tags: style guide howto ruby

Some wise advice although for a funny language.

tags: reference erlang guide rules

Really interesting and detailed look behind the curtain at Facebook about how they handle scale and sharing.

tags: scaling howto shard services facebook

Another one of these lists of commands.

tags: howto linux Cli developers commands

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Always nice to see alternatives to devise but this is just as complicated. I haven’t used it but my question is how much of the user facing UI does it provide and how do you customize it?

tags: howto roda authentication ruby

Another useful? Extension to ruby! Are they running out of things to do? How about type inference and speed?

tags: howto ruby patterns

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.