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Quick and Dirty Data Analysis with Pandas

Link: Quick and Dirty Data Analysis with Pandas: "Before you can select and prepare your data for modeling, you need to understand what you've got to start with. If you're a using the Python stack for machine learning, a library that you can use to better understand your data is Pandas. In this post you will discover some quick and dirty recipes for Pandas to improve the understanding of your"

Quick iOS Prototyping In Flinto | Meng To - UI/UX Designer

Link: Quick iOS Prototyping In Flinto | Meng To - UI/UX Designer: "There are many iOS prototyping tools out there: Briefs 2, POP, Prototypr just to name a few. The one that really struck me as the most efficient is Flinto by far. Ironically, it’s the only Web-based tool amongst them. And there is nothing better out there. It will literally take minutes to create a prototype that looks like it was made using Xcode Storyboard."