Rails 5 Action Cable with Multiple Chatroom Subscriptions
Link: Rails 5 Action Cable with Multiple Chatroom Subscriptions: "Rails Actioncable is complicated. Here are a series of links about it."
Rails 5 supports passing collection of records to 'fresh_when' and 'stale?' | BigBinary Blog
Link: Rails 5 supports passing collection of records to 'fresh_when' and 'stale?' | BigBinary Blog: "Rails 5 series | Rails 5 adds support to pass collection of records to fresh_when and stale? for improved caching"
Rails 6: B-Sides and Rarities — Martian Chronicles
Link: Rails 6: B-Sides and Rarities — Martian Chronicles: "Another nice trip through upgrades to Rails for 6.0"
Rails 6.0.0 beta1: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default
Link: Rails 6.0.0 beta1: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default: "Rails keeps marching on. Some awesome improvements in 6.0"
Rails Active Job Tutorial: How to Use activejob | Codeship | via @codeship
Link: Rails Active Job Tutorial: How to Use activejob | Codeship | via @codeship: "Using queues can increase your website usability (by lowering response times), provide more consistent response times and server loads (by spreading the heavy lifting over various servers and workers), and open new doors to what your website can do (by all ..."
Rails Console Magic Tricks – Luis Vasconcellos – Medium
Link: Rails Console Magic Tricks – Luis Vasconcellos – Medium: "Wow, lots of neat things here for the very mundane chore of running in the rails console!"
Rails Database Best Practices
Link: Rails Database Best Practices: "Working on an oldish Rails project, I came across some smelly ActiveRecord code that begged for some refactoring love. I also spent some time speeding up pages with slow/many database calls. Betwee…"
Rails Inside: Rails Blog Featuring News, Tips and Links
Link: Rails Inside: Rails Blog Featuring News, Tips and Links: "Ruby on Rails related news, tips and reviews."