Rails Performance: When is Caching the Right Choice? - Honeybadger Developer Blog
Link: Rails Performance: When is Caching the Right Choice? - Honeybadger Developer Blog: "We've all been there. You're clicking around your Rails application, and it just isn't as snappy as it used to be. You start searching for a quick-fix and find a lot of talk about caching. Take your existing app, add some caching, and voila, a performance boost with minimal code changes. However,..."
Rails Performance Tips
Link: Rails Performance Tips: "Super useful modern rundown of low hanging fruit performance tips for rails."
Rails background workers: Sidekiq overview and how to deploy it to Heroku
Link: Rails background workers: Sidekiq overview and how to deploy it to Heroku: "Sidekiq is a framework for background job processing that is very useful for handling expensive computation, emails, and other processes…"
Rails for Zombies - Code School
Link: Rails for Zombies - Code School: "Codeschool courses are supposed to be excellent. This is another resource that is available if you want to accelerate your learning even more!"
Rails on Docker – Nimbl3 – Medium
Link: Rails on Docker – Nimbl3 – Medium: "How we use Docker for Ruby on Rails projects in development, test and production environments"