Rodauth: A Refreshing Authentication Solution for Ruby | Janko's Blog
Link: Rodauth: A Refreshing Authentication Solution for Ruby | Janko's Blog: "Always nice to see alternatives to devise but this is just as complicated. I haven’t used it but my question is how much of the user facing UI does it provide and how do you customize it?"
Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester
Link: Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester: "Ruby-based regular expression editor/tester"
Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor
Link: Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor: "Ruby-based regular expression editor/tester"
Ruby's Powerful Method Arguments & How To Use Them Correctly - RubyGuides
Link: Ruby's Powerful Method Arguments & How To Use Them Correctly - RubyGuides: "I got an email asking for my opinion about when to use keyword arguments. I thought I'd expand my answer into a full article about Ruby method arguments so everyone can benefit! Ruby is very flexible when"
Ruby 2.7 — Enumerable#tally – Brandon Weaver – Medium
Link: Ruby 2.7 — Enumerable#tally – Brandon Weaver – Medium: "Fun new method in ruby 2.6"
Ruby 2.7 — Pattern Matching — First Impressions
Link: Ruby 2.7 — Pattern Matching — First Impressions: "New cool feature in ruby?"
Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Tutorial
Link: Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Tutorial: "Thorough and practical intro to concurrency and parallelism in Ruby. Read about forking, multithreading, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), and more."
Ruby Concurrency in Multithreaded Apps: A Tutorial | Toptal
Link: Ruby Concurrency in Multithreaded Apps: A Tutorial | Toptal: "Thorough and practical intro to concurrency and parallelism in Ruby. Read about forking, multithreading, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), and more."