Sheetsu Documentation
Link: Sheetsu Documentation: "Get data from Google Spreadsheet in a matter of seconds. You can copy the HTML Snippet and paste it into your website without any code. If you are developer, you can use one of many languages or frameworks Sheetsu supports like Ruby, Node, React, JavaScript Python, PHP, JQuery, C#, Swift, or R."
Shift Left to Make Testing Fast and Reliable - Azure DevOps
Link: Shift Left to Make Testing Fast and Reliable - Azure DevOps: "Back in September 2014, we were three years into our cloud cadence. And we were still running our testing the way we had tested before moving to the cloud. We were trying to do things faster, we were trying to optimize our automation, but we were struggling."
Silobreaker: Welcome
Link: Silobreaker: Welcome: "Silobreaker helps security, business and intelligence professionals make sense of the overwhelming amount of data on the web."
Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze
Link: Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze: "Useful feature of Postgres that’s right there but easy to overlook!"
Simplifying internal validations using Dry-Validation - Running with Ruby
Link: Simplifying internal validations using Dry-Validation - Running with Ruby: "Welcome to the Castle Blog where our team of security experts share their best advice on Account Security, introduce new products and features and more!"
Sinatra + Rack + Rake + ActiveRecord
Link: Sinatra + Rack + Rake + ActiveRecord: "How to build an application with Sinatra, Rack and ActiveRecord?"
Sinatra/Heroku microservices | silk and spinach
Link: Sinatra/Heroku microservices | silk and spinach: "How to build microservices on Heroku with Sinatra. Realy useful!"
Since we are talking about standards...
Link: Since we are talking about standards...: "I came across this post about standards, by Adam Bosworth, a well known net luminary who is working (or so I gather) on Electronic Medical Records. You can imagine that next to Elections, E-Medical…"