Stacks and Queues — BaseCS Video Series
Link: Stacks and Queues — BaseCS Video Series: "Great explanation of stacks and queues"
Standard Deviation is an Inferior Measurement*
Link: Standard Deviation is an Inferior Measurement*: "Interesting bit of statistics esoterica..."
Start Bootstrap - Free HTML Templates for Bootstrap 3
Link: Start Bootstrap - Free HTML Templates for Bootstrap 3: ""
Starters Guide to iOS Design
Link: Starters Guide to iOS Design: "As someone who does work on both the development and design side of iOS apps I find that many designers struggle with the transition to UI work, or with the different processes involved in iPhone and iPad app design. In this guide I'll describe the deliverables you'll be expected to produce, outline the constraints of the medium and introduce fundamental iOS and UI design concepts."
Startup Playbook
Link: Startup Playbook: "To have a successful startup, you need: a great idea, a great market, a great team, a great product, and great execution."
Steve Blank Startup Stock Options – Why A Good Deal Has Gone Bad
Link: Steve Blank Startup Stock Options – Why A Good Deal Has Gone Bad: "A bit technical and esoteric but interesting insights."