The Week Daily - The Best of the U.S. and International Media
Link: The Week Daily - The Best of the U.S. and International Media: ""
The Whole World Is Watching - New York Times
Link: The Whole World Is Watching - New York Times: "The blogosphere has made the global discussion so much richer — and each of us so much more transparent."
The Wirecutter
Link: The Wirecutter: "Wirecutter tests and reviews the best tech, appliances, gear, and more. You can trust our veteran journalists, scientists, and experts to find the best stuff."
The Yoda of Silicon Valley
Link: The Yoda of Silicon Valley: "All of our favorite computer genius scientist."
The autoload method in ruby
Link: The autoload method in ruby: "Never new this existed. Looks interesting."
The easiest way to handle displaying bad data — Saturn Flyer
Link: The easiest way to handle displaying bad data — Saturn Flyer: "Good ruby rails and other tips"
The hotel bathroom puzzle
Link: The hotel bathroom puzzle: "In his wonderful book The Evolution of Useful Things, the author and civil engineer Henry Petroski shares one of the most famous case studies in the history of design: Before it was destroyed by fi…"
The lines of code that changed everything.
Link: The lines of code that changed everything.: "A wonderful trip down memory lane of code that had a huge impact in history. The only one that seems to be missing is Y2K."
The million dollar engineering problem
Link: The million dollar engineering problem: "The Segment team's latest thinking on all things data, product, marketing, and growth."