This Dev Bootcamp Will Make You More Hireable in 9 Weeks
Link: This Dev Bootcamp Will Make You More Hireable in 9 Weeks: "San Francisco startup Dev Bootcamp takes programming novices and turns them into hirable Ruby on Rails coders through an intense nine-week course."
This Picture Will Change the Way You Learn to Code
Link: This Picture Will Change the Way You Learn to Code: "Tips and tricks for how to learn to code like the pros."
Those Who Say Code Does Not Matter | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM
Link: Those Who Say Code Does Not Matter | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM: "Often, you will be told programming languages do not matter much. It is a pretty general rule that people arguing language does not matter are simply trying to justify their own choice of language."
Thread by @cyberomin: "It's always fun when I speak to founders and potential founders and they are quick to tell me how they want to use AI/ML to improve customer […]"
Link: Thread by @cyberomin: \"It's always fun when I speak to founders and potential founders and they are quick to tell me how they want to use AI/ML to improve customer […]\": "Thread by @cyberomin: "It's always fun when I speak to founders and potential founders and they are quick to tell me how they want to use AI/ customer retention and improve LTV. Truth is, they don't even need ML. A properly written SQL is what you ne […]""
Tim O'Reilly - Graphing Social Patterns - The Unofficial Facebook Blog
Link: Tim O'Reilly - Graphing Social Patterns - The Unofficial Facebook Blog: "Keynote by TO"
Tom Lehrer at 90: a life of scientific satire
Link: Tom Lehrer at 90: a life of scientific satire: "Andrew Robinson celebrates the high notes in the mathematician’s inimitable musical oeuvre."
Tonic Node REPL
Link: Tonic Node REPL: "RunKit notebooks are interactive javascript playgrounds connected to a complete node environment right in your browser. Every npm module pre-installed."