Traction Is What Investors Are Looking for When You Present Your Plan
Link: Traction Is What Investors Are Looking for When You Present Your Plan: "Investors will not be interested in your product until you can show them that a big market is getting interested."
TravelCell : International Cellphone Rental : Worldwide & Global Cellphones. Rentals for Asia & Europe
Link: TravelCell : International Cellphone Rental : Worldwide & Global Cellphones. Rentals for Asia & Europe: "Another way to get a cell phone while traveling."
Try Ruby - Code School
Link: Try Ruby - Code School: "This is a famous course written by a really cool quirky Ruby celebrity (known as _why -- the underscore is part of the name). You might find it useful!"
Tutorial: Decoupling Rails Components | Toptal
Link: Tutorial: Decoupling Rails Components | Toptal: "Your website is gaining traction, and you are growing rapidly. Ruby/Rails is your programming language of choice. Your team is bigger and you’ve given up on “fat models, skinny controllers” as a design style for your Rails apps. However, you still don’t want to abandon using Rails? No problem. In this article, To..."
Tutorial – Tiled mapEditor Part 1- Create a TMXTiledMap Game « PaulsonApps Development Blog
Link: Tutorial – Tiled mapEditor Part 1- Create a TMXTiledMap Game « PaulsonApps Development Blog: "Well I had a request from a YouTube subscriber for a Tutorial Series on using Tiled to create a tiledmap game with Cocs2D. I have made the first Part of this Tiled mapEditor tutorial series. The vi…"
Twitter Bootstrap Tutorial | w3resource
Link: Twitter Bootstrap Tutorial | w3resource: "This tutorial will get you started with Twitter Bootstrap 3. If you have already used Bootstrap before, this will introduce you with new features."