Authentication with Ruby on Rails 4.2
Link: Authentication with Ruby on Rails 4.2: "Screencast: A simple password authentication for a vanilla Ruby on Rails 4.2 application. A Step-by-Step Guide."
Automated Machine Learning on the Cloud in Python – Towards Data Science
Link: Automated Machine Learning on the Cloud in Python – Towards Data Science: "An introduction to the future of data science"
Automated voter registration and ... - Google Patent Search
Link: Automated voter registration and ... - Google Patent Search: ""
Awesome Ruby
Link: Awesome Ruby: "A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software. The essential Ruby to build modern Apps and Web Apps." - Peer to Peer Educational Communities
Link: - Peer to Peer Educational Communities: "Really interesting educational game where students teach each other. Quite cool!"
Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card on macOS — the 2019 Simple Way to Clone | by Claudio Carnino | Medium
Link: Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card on macOS — the 2019 Simple Way to Clone | by Claudio Carnino | Medium: "Very useful if you are working and developing for the Rasbery Pi! My go to instructions."
Ballot Design and the importance of (simple) usability tests
Link: Ballot Design and the importance of (simple) usability tests: "In another department of our megaplex one of my colleagues, Aleks Totic is working on ballot layout and design for the TrustTheVote technology suite. I came across this great blog post from the Bre…"
Ballot and polling place design guidelines
Link: Ballot and polling place design guidelines: "Design standards for legible ballots"