Caddx Peanut Action Camera
Link: Caddx Peanut Action Camera: "27g Ultralight Weight, Magnetic Charging, 30 minutes Recording Time, Remote Control, FlowState Stabilization, Wi-fi Control, Enhanced Camera Protection, ND Filter set."
Selecting a programming language can be a form of premature optimization
Link: Selecting a programming language can be a form of premature optimization: "Have you ever been told that Python couldn't be used for a project because it wouldn't be fast enough? I have, and I find it a bit frustrating as big banks, YouTube, Instagram, and plenty of other places that are performance-sensitive still manage to select Python and be happy. And"
Make a Good Dupont Pin-Crimp EVERY TIME!
Link: Make a Good Dupont Pin-Crimp EVERY TIME!: "Make a Good Dupont Pin-Crimp EVERY TIME!: Anyone working with an Arduino, Raspberry PI, Beagle Bone, or any other multi-circuit-board project has become familiar with .025 X .025 in, square post pins and their mating connectors. The male pins are usually mounted to the circuit board with b…"
Intro to web scraping with Ruby
Link: Intro to web scraping with Ruby: "Learn how to use Ruby to do the webscraping of almost any website"
The family of anonymous functions - blocks, procs and lambdas
Link: The family of anonymous functions - blocks, procs and lambdas: "Anonymous functions are an integral part of Ruby’s identity and provide flexibility. This article is a deep dive into blocks, procs, and lambdas."
The family of anonymous functions – blocks, procs and lambdas
The family of anonymous functions - blocks, procs and lambdas
Anonymous functions are an integral part of Ruby’s identity and provide flexibility. This article is a deep dive into blocks, procs, and lambdas.
November 5, 2021 at 12:46PM
Free Interactive 3D Model for Drawing Figures, Dynamic Poses, and More - Online Drawing Mannequin
Link: Free Interactive 3D Model for Drawing Figures, Dynamic Poses, and More - Online Drawing Mannequin: "As an artist, you probably have drawn the human body several times and realized how difficult it is to do it all from memory. This is where an adjustable online drawing model comes in handy. These adjustable models are also often called drawing mannequins"
Free Interactive 3D Model for Drawing Figures, Dynamic Poses, and More – Online Drawing Mannequin
Free Interactive 3D Model for Drawing Figures, Dynamic Poses, and More - Online Drawing Mannequin
As an artist, you probably have drawn the human body several times and realized how difficult it is to do it all from memory. This is where an adjustable online drawing model comes in handy. These adjustable models are also often called drawing mannequins
October 31, 2021 at 02:21PM
Link: SUMPRODUCT function: "How to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel, one of Excel’s math and trig functions, using multiplication, addition, subtraction, and/or division to return the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays."