Event Sourcing made Simple – Kickstarter Engineering
Link: Event Sourcing made Simple – Kickstarter Engineering: "tl;dr: Event Sourcing is to data what Git is to code. We’ve implemented a minimal event sourcing framework at Kickstarter to power d.rip…"
Every bookmark manager ever made | A Bootstrapped Journey
Link: Every bookmark manager ever made | A Bootstrapped Journey: "Amazing list of all bookmaker managers. I currently use Diigo. I might change."
Everything I've learned in 10 years of Blogging
Link: Everything I've learned in 10 years of Blogging: "I don’t do this myself but maybe you will find it useful"
Everything You Know About Latency Is Wrong – Brave New Geek
Link: Everything You Know About Latency Is Wrong – Brave New Geek: "Okay, maybe not everything you know about latency is wrong. But now that I have your attention, we can talk about why the tools and methodologies you use to measure and reason about latency are lik…"
Exploratory Data Analysis Tutorial: Data Profiling (article) - DataCamp
Link: Exploratory Data Analysis Tutorial: Data Profiling (article) - DataCamp: ""
Exploring CLI Best Practices // Localytics Engineering Blog
Link: Exploring CLI Best Practices // Localytics Engineering Blog: "How to write a great CLI and some good ruby tools for that."
Exploring Cryptography Fundamentals in Ruby
Link: Exploring Cryptography Fundamentals in Ruby: "Jesus Castello walks through the basics of cryptography using examples in Ruby. This is an excellent primer on crypto."
Exploring Microservices Architecture on Heroku | via @codeship
Link: Exploring Microservices Architecture on Heroku | via @codeship: "More information about Microservices on Heroku"