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How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

Link: How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine: "When designing a website, the most important thing is to make it as usable and convenient as possible. On a website on which users could possibly get confused, it is best to include help elements. Help elements come in all different shapes and sizes: an entire page, a suggestion box or a quick tip. But they all have one thing in common: besides doing the obvious (i.e. helping the user), help elements provide an extra convenience that brings the website closer to that sought-after usability. With the number of forms, search functions and other navigational elements on websites these days..."

How and why should you use JSON API in your Rails API? - Arkency Blog

Link: How and why should you use JSON API in your Rails API? - Arkency Blog: "How and why should you use JSON API in your Rails API? Crafting a well-behaving API is a virtue. It is not easy to come up with good standards of serializing resources, handling errors and providing HATEOAS utilities to your design. There are a lot application-level concerns you need to make - whether you want to send back responses in mutation requests (like PUT/PATCH/POST requests) or just use HTTP headers. And it is hard - and by hard I mean you need to spend some time to get it right. There are other things you need to be focused on which are far more important than your API. Good under..."