Into the Bitcoin Mines -
Link: Into the Bitcoin Mines - "On the flat lava plain of Reykjanesbaer, Iceland, near the Arctic Circle, you can find the mines of Bitcoin."
Intricacies of Multi-Threading in Java - DZone Java
Link: Intricacies of Multi-Threading in Java - DZone Java: "Concurrency is a boon, so make sure you know how multi-threading works. Let's examine the important components of threads and how to use them together."
Linked is a guide to concurrency in Java.
Intro to MiniTest
Link: Intro to MiniTest: "There are some compelling features of MiniTest that make it a viable option as a testing library."
Introducing Action Mailbox for Rails 6
Link: Introducing Action Mailbox for Rails 6: "Rails keeps on marching on. Another great addition. Supports an intelligent way for a rails app to receive and handle incoming email."
Introducing Alan - Alan Application Platform
Link: Introducing Alan - Alan Application Platform: "Write what look like rich applications while writing very little code. Looks interesting but I’ve not tried it"
Introducing Koi - A language that teaches the basics of language implementation
Link: Introducing Koi - A language that teaches the basics of language implementation: ""
Introducing nushell
Link: Introducing nushell: "Yes, but, do we need another shell? Do we all have to learn Rust? What about a shell framework that will embed any language?"
Introduction | Crystal Programming Language
Link: Introduction | Crystal Programming Language: "A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference"
Introduction - Ruby Reference
Link: Introduction - Ruby Reference: "Great, if complete and accurate"
Introduction to Bayesian Linear Regression – Towards Data Science
Link: Introduction to Bayesian Linear Regression – Towards Data Science: "Good primer on different ways of computing a regression."