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Lessons Learned: What is customer development?

Link: Lessons Learned: What is customer development?: "When we build products, we use a methodology. For software, we have many - you can enjoy a nice long list on Wikipedia. But too often when it's time to think about customers, marketing, positioning, or PR, we delegate it to "marketroids" or "suits." Many of us are not accustomed to thinking about markets or customers in a disciplined way. We know some products succeed and others fail, but the reasons are complex and the unpredictable. We're easily convinced by the argument that all we need to do is "build it and they will come." And when they don't come, well, we just try, try, again."

Leveraging Mental Models in UX Design

Link: Leveraging Mental Models in UX Design: "Users know how your product works and how to use it even before you design it. At least, they should. Users form expectations around how things should work through familiar patterns and repeated use. To design for maximum usability, designers need to understand and leverage users’ mental models. #ux #uxdesign"