Microservice boundaries: five characteristics to guide your design
Link: Microservice boundaries: five characteristics to guide your design: "When starting off with Microservices, it’s hard for teams to know what exactly constitutes a well-designed microservice. Several teams…"
Microservices for Startups: An Interview with Khash Sajadi of Cloud66
Link: Microservices for Startups: An Interview with Khash Sajadi of Cloud66: ""
Microservices using Rails, HTTP & RabbitMQ
Link: Microservices using Rails, HTTP & RabbitMQ: "Imagine that, we have built one monolithic app Cricket Live Score where an admin adds the live match scores into the database, and users use this app to get to know the current score about the live match. Match like India v Pakistan is very popular and it tends to have lots of traffic. Sometimes app goes down because it can’t handle such heavy traffic."
Link: Microservices: "Defining the microservices architectural style by describing their nine common characteristics"
Microsoft Launches Bosque: An Open Source Programming Language
Link: Microsoft Launches Bosque: An Open Source Programming Language: "Interesting to see a brand new language come out of research."
Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win? — HBS Working Knowledge
Link: Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win? — HBS Working Knowledge: "Another game theory article"
Migrating from Paperclip to ActiveStorage – The Miners
Link: Migrating from Paperclip to ActiveStorage – The Miners: ""
Mini-icons for Safari Bookmarks Bar
Link: Mini-icons for Safari Bookmarks Bar: "apple articles, stories, news and information."
Minimalicious testing in Ruby 1.9 with MiniTest - Random notes by Arvid Andersson
Link: Minimalicious testing in Ruby 1.9 with MiniTest - Random notes by Arvid Andersson: "In this blog post I am going to try to do a introduction on writing tests in the style of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) specifications, also called specs..."