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What is Steampipe?

Link: What is Steampipe?: "Seems useful for someone. Just putting it on this list to track it. Here's what the author says: "Steampipe is an fantastic tool from Turbot. Steampipe allows you to easily ask questions about your Cloud and SaaS Infrastructure""

When to use gRPC vs GraphQL

Link: When to use gRPC vs GraphQL: "Honestly, I wasnt too aware of gRPC, but very aware of GraphQL. So this vomparison could be useful in the future. Author describes the article like this: “We dig into two of the most popular API protocols to see where they work best. “"

Forget about algorithms and models — learn how to solve problems first

Link: Forget about algorithms and models — learn how to solve problems first: "An interesting article, stating the obvious. This is highly relevant to someone who teaches college students their in their very first year of learning programming. And yet it is still a subject of debate among my colleagues. Heres the authors’s own words: “t's not necessarily about what programming language you learn or use. It's about how you approach problem solving.”"

Creating a Chart

Link: Creating a Chart: "I've been experimenting with Apache Superset to create charts and dashboards. The features are very powerul and consequently can be obscure. I just found this doc which seems helpful"

How to Frame a Roof (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Link: How to Frame a Roof (with Pictures) - wikiHow: "How did this particular link end up here? I am learning to construct small wooden models. Currently I am making a simple framed house. I needed to review how a roof truss is constructed. Here is what the author says: “Framing a roof is the l. ast step in framing new construction. While most home builders will outsource the construction of roofing trusses–the rafter supports of the roof itself–learning to frame a roof yourself is one of the true arts of...”"