Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON, TOML and YAML
Link: Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON, TOML and YAML: "Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON and YAML"
A pretty amazing, super useful package.
Shale – Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON, TOML and YAML
Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON, TOML and YAML –Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON and YAML
Rails Generate Migration — Everything you need to know
Link: Rails Generate Migration — Everything you need to know: "This article is a reference for generating migrations in your Ruby on Rails app — I cover the basics like adding columns and tables, adjusting column types (and loads more), plus some tips and tricks..."
Handy exhaustive list of rails generate migration commands.
How to Use AI to Do Stuff: An Opinionated Guide
Link: How to Use AI to Do Stuff: An Opinionated Guide: ""
This is extremely useful. Good interesting information if you are learning to leverage the new AI LLMs.
What is the difference between Turbo and Stimulus, and what exactly is Hotwire?
Link: What is the difference between Turbo and Stimulus, and what exactly is Hotwire?: ""
This is a set of reminders and reviews that I could really use!
Here is what ChatGPT (and Claude) are good for!
Whoops. That doesn't work at all. Let's ask it to improve it:
Opinion | Im a Student. You Have No Idea How Much Were Using ChatGPT.
Opinion | I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT. –
Opinion | I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT.
Link: Opinion | I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT.: ""
Look at any student academic-integrity policy, and you’ll find the same message: Submit work that reflects your own thinking or face discipline. But that’s not what’s going on!
Python packages with pyproject.toml and nothing else
Link: Python packages with pyproject.toml and nothing else: "I've been using setuptools and for my Python packages for a long time: I like that it works without me having to think about installing and learning any additional tools such as Flit or pip-tools or Poetry or Hatch ."
Super useful somewhat demystification of the #chaotic world of #python #packaging
Building a Creative Practice
Link: Building a Creative Practice: "Could it even be the key to longevity?"
I think generative AI tools such as DALL-E and MidJourney for images and ChatGPT for text have scrambled people’s brains a bit. What the AI is capable of, and the way it presents its output to us is genuinely amazing and it’ll mess you up when you first see it.