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How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles

Link: How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles: "First contact with make When I was invited for my first job interview in the IT, I’ve been asked such question: How would you typically build a program from sources, what commands will you use? I answered: It’s obvious: ./configure make make install Those times belong to the past now and nowadays not many programmers use GNU Make1. Try asking this question and you will see disgust at best. For many it’s the fist contact with make and often the last one, but not for me 😉"

Great reminders on how and why to use the ancient and ubiquitous “make” tool.

Best Practices for Working with Large Language Models

Link: Best Practices for Working with Large Language Models: "Generative AI has revolutionized programming. Based on his own experience, Jon Udell codifies how to partner effectively with LLM assistants."

We’re all doing it now, right? Using LLMs for all kinds of things? Well here are some useful rules of thumb. By the way, as far as employing a team of assistants, take a look at It’s a single front end to all (almost all) the LLMs out there. And in fact it bakes in the question of what would the other LLMs say to the same prompt.

A brave new world!