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What Does an A Really Mean?

Link: What Does an A Really Mean?: "We asked professors, students, and high-school counselors."

A very important question to think about. It's a little more abstract and high level than defining learning objectives. I found it an excellent exercise.

Deploy on Your Own Servers

Link: Deploy on Your Own Servers: "Fastest way to deploy a Rails app!"

Once Heroku got rid of their free tier, we all wanted alternatives. Doku is one of them. It lets you create your very own Heroku service on top of a cheap Digitial Ocean partition.

Generating fake data using SQL

Link: Generating fake data using SQL: "Fake data are very useful in development environment for testing your application or some query performances for example. In this Blog Post I’ll share how I ..."

Some fancy sql technique to create masses of fake data efficiently. Note: no Ruby or Python involved!

5 Practical SQL CTE Examples

Link: 5 Practical SQL CTE Examples: "In this article, we’ll go through several examples to see how SQL CTEs can help you with complex calculations and hierarchical data structures."

Just heard about CTE (Common Table Expressions). They are a feature of SQL. Not sure whether all SQLs or just Postgres. A way to refactor a complicated SQL statement into substagements.