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An Introduction to LiteStack for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog

Link: An Introduction to LiteStack for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog: "In the first part of this series, we'll set up an example Rails application and introduce the basics of LiteStack."

A multi part series on the so called LiteStack. People seem to be coming back around to using SQLite for their production databases. This was the way it was a few years ago but then everyone decided that SQLite was a toy and we should use Postgres. Yes, it was a little more complicated and could cost a little more but we were clever enough to figure it out. Well I like this trend to ditching unnecessary complexity (“you are not Facebook”)

Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Common Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)

Link: Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Common Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them): "Learn the fundamentals of event-driven architecture (EDA), message elements and patterns, event design patterns, the common EDA pitfalls and how to avoid them."

A thorough review of event driven architectures. Lots of actionable ideas and rules of thumb. Even thought this is from a vendor plugging their wares, there is a lot to learn here!

Jade Rubick - Unusual tips to keep Slack from becoming a nightmare

Link: Jade Rubick - Unusual tips to keep Slack from becoming a nightmare: "Use the tips to improve your org's use of Slack: answers to questions should take longer than the time to look it up, notifications should go to a few people, the more people in a room, the more structured it should be. Plus a few more."

We use slack a lot at work. These are some helpful tips to reduce noise and increase communication. When there are four different ways to communicate (email, slack, sms, and posting to a forum) you have a lot of wasted time. Yes each way has a slightly different purpose and effect, but four are too many!

Handling Tasks in Asyncio Like a Pro

Link: Handling Tasks in Asyncio Like a Pro: "I first go over the basics of an Asyncio task object and then talk about all of the various ways to handle them and the pros and cons of each."

A great explanation of various ways to handle asynchrony in python. Basic stuff that we all should know about.