[BlogBridge Tip] New Weekly Build Available

We just put up a new weekly build of BlogBridge with many new features. Here are some of the more interesting ones:

  • Community Fields. Right click on a Feed, and choose Feed Properties. Click on the community tab, where you will see our initial pair of fields, Country and Tags. What's interesting is that whatever you set for these two fields will be seen by all other users. If you know the country where this feed originates you can set it. And if you feel like tagging (classifying) this feed you can do it too.

  • Discover Other Feeds(on the Tools menu) is greatly enhanced (and there is more to come!) First of all, some people are not sure what this discovery business is about, so a quick intro. It's kind of one of the raisons d'etre of BlogBridge - helping you discover other feeds that you might find useful. There are several strategies, the first two which are available in this release. In both cases BlogBridge will analyze articles in feeds, looking for references to other feeds, on the assumption that if you like this feed, chances are good that you'd be interested in feeds that this one refers to. You can either analyze one particular feed, or all the feeds in a certain guide. The process runs in background. Whenever an interesting feed is discovered, BlogBridge can either tell you proactively or simply add the discovered feed to a list (Tools/Show Discovered Feeds…)

  • Look and feel. We've given the whole application some more polish, especially on Mac OS X. The most visible change is in the toolbar and icons available.

Those are only some of the enhancements that you will find in the latest weekly release. Check it out! p.s. If you are not sure which one you are running, you can refer to the title bar. You will either see "BlogBridge Weekly" or "BlogBridge Beta". And if you click on the preceding two links you will get the corresponding applications.