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The biggest-ever global outage: lessons for software engineers

Link: The biggest-ever global outage: lessons for software engineers: "Cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike shipped a routine rule definition change to all customers, and chaos followed as 8.5M machines crashed, worldwide. There are plenty of learnings for developers."

Linked is a great analysis of what might have gone wrong to cause the crowdstrike global outage of windows computers. Also software engineering and operations techniques and principles which could have avoided the terrible event.


Link: Hypernatural: "Amazing ai generated videos"

Linked is a service that generates quite respectable short promotional videos. I tried it on the syllabus to my course and it created something fairly amazing. I mean it’s still obviously ai generated. After your amazement subsides you may still not want to use it but it’s worth checking out. Maybe if you have to generate many short videos. It’s definitely worth checking out.

LLM: A CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language Models

Link: LLM: A CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language Models: "A CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language Models, both via remote APIs and models that can be installed and run on your own machine."

Follow the link below: I’ve been looking for a nicely packaged way to try llms locally, that is without using a cloud based service and without uploading my pi to another company. This tool is a good solution to the problem.

An Introduction to Auth0 for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog

Link: An Introduction to Auth0 for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog: "This article will cover the setup and use of Auth0 in a Ruby on Rails application."

The attached article is a nice introduction to the auth0 service and tooling. Definity worth considering for your app. Authentication is a tricky thing to implement, and that’s before worrying about perfect security. The one thing that I am a little shaky on is relying on a paid service for authentication. What if I lose connectivity to the service or my credit card expires?

Basics - Rye

Link: Basics - Rye: "An Experimental Package Management Solution for Python"

See attached info about RYE. Ok so I complain that python has so many different package managers, virtual environment mechanisms, dependency managers, and so on. Much to my chagrin, I recently read something saying, “whatever you do, don’t use poetry”.

Rye But, but, but… rye looks really nice from the linked description. I’m just a little hesitant to lock myself to rye and find myself in 6 months having to do something totally different.

By the way I happen to be a happy user of rbenv (@ Ruby environment manager) so my default is pyenv, which works the same way exactly. Not sure if they are from the same person, but they are basically identical.


Link: Satyrn: "A modern Jupyter client for MacOS"

Attached is a link to a macOS app Ui for Jupyter notebook. Looking at the screen shots (maybe they’re mockups, I can’t tell) it looks super useful and nice!