Who has a life?

As you might have seen over at our BlogBridge blog , we are experimenting with a new visualization of blog postings, right inside BlogBridge. I've taken to calling this the Kleppner Widget as it was invented by Paul and Andrew Kleppner who have been contributing some cool stuff of late. Picture
1-11 This is a snippet from a pre-release build of BlogBridge: What you are looking at is a display of 4 Feeds (Dan Gillmor, Joho the Blog, Emergence Marketiong and Pito's Blog) All the way over to the right you can see the visualization. Here's how you read it: From left to right, each column is 1 day, starting today, yesterday, and back to 1 week ago. The number of dots in the column corresponds to the number of new articles or posts on that day. Hey look at that: David and Dan are posting like crazy, Francois pretty good, and I am the laggard. We aren't sure yet whether this new visualization is the cats pajamas or too gimicky but we are quite fond of it. It will probably make it in the very first weekly release after BlogBridge 2.0 ships early next week. What do you think? Too much information, or a nice compact summary of how active a blog is? And by the way, should the days run left to right (as they do today) or right to left? Technorati Tags: blogbridge, visualization, UI