Who will buy Skype, and why…

Robert Cringely has a relatively little known quasi blog , for some reason on www.pbs.org. The stuff is generally very good, and little noted. Given Microsoft's recent acquisition of Teleo, this recent post about Skype is interesting and timely:

Expect Skype to be sold, another viral marketing success sucked up by big business. Expect it to go to either a major broadband provider or, more likely, to a big mobile carrier with no fixed telephone assets. And whoever buys Skype, expect them to throw money into making the company into even more of a multinational telecom headache than it currently is. (from Skyed on I, Cringely - read the whole thing!)

There even is a very well hidden RSS feed. (Yes, remember the Cringley column in PC Week? Same guy!) Technorati Tags: microsoft, voip