What blogs are good for: Learning about Microsoft

So can you learn anything useful from a blog? I've often spoken admiringly to friends about Microsoft blogging. I've said that, it's not so much that people are giving away any trade secrets. You learn stuff that are not secret, but you probably would only find out if you ran into someone in a Starbucks in Redmond. Exhibit #1 (which I've used before, but continues to impress) Steve Sinofsky's Microsoft TechTalk Blog. Look at an amazing recent post on a topic of vital interest if you are doing business or doing partnering with MSFT.

"I've been asked quite a bit by people interviewing at Microsoft about "software release". This post will talk about our strategy around product releases for Office products, since we have been pretty consistent over the years and this represents a balance between some competing interests." (from Steve Sinofsy's TechTalk)

Read it if you are affected by Microsoft products at all.And who isn 't? Technorati Tags: microsoft