Ray Ozzie’s Blog V3

Glad to see that Ray is blogging again. Now that he is at Microsoft running the big new initiative this should be a really interesting one to follow!

"A couple of weeks ago, Bill and I brought life to a new initiative that, over the course of the months and years ahead, will catalyze and deliver a number of things that I'm very excited about. At that event, I said that unlike many other stealth projects I've/we've done, in this case many of our plans and offerings will evolve progressively and in the open, shaped in good measure by a dialog with you." (from Ray Ozzie's Blog)

Looks like it will be really interesting to follow! Ray Ozzie of course is one of the original guys who built Lotus Notes, and launched Groove, and is now CTO at Microsoft, right in the middle of a lot of cool new stuff. Technorati Tags: blog, microsoft