Blogging is “essential” to a good career

Boy, blogs sure are hot , aren't they? I've been noticing the New York Times regularly quoting bloggers as legitimate sources side by side with witnesses, experts, politicians. And now the Boston Globe has a bit about blogging your way to a job:

"Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field." […] But pick your topics carefully and have a purpose. "The most interesting blogs are focused and have a certain attitude," says van Allen. "You need to have a guiding philosophy that you stick to. You cannot one minute pontificate on large issues of the world and the next minute be like, 'My dog died.' " […] Day realized the value of focus after a misguided mashup of his politics and business. (from The Boston Globe)

Of course the blog that you are reading right now is just such a mashup of random topics that interest me. That's probably why my experimentation with putting ads so far has yielded next to nothing. But I am experimenting as much to learn how ads on web pages do and don't work as much as anything. <!-
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