“Getting the cool kids to try your technology isn’t the same thing as having a long-term business proposition.”

Scoble has a good commentary and links to more commentary about Kiko. Kiko is a web 2.0 / ajax / cool calendar application that appears to be throwing in the towel. Here's what Scoble had to say: Does Kiko predict more Web 2.0 failures?" href="http://scobleizer.wordpress.com/2006/08/17/does-kiko-predict- more-web-20-failures/">Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger > Does Kiko predict more Web 2.0 failures? This quote:

"Getting the cool kids to try your technology isn't the same thing as having a long-term business proposition."

rings true to me. I have a constant internal battle (which I've written about more than once) around the theme of why everyone expects everything to be free. And by the way why anything that takes more than 2 months to build is too long. Maybe for the cool kids, but for a real company with a real business, it's gonna take you longer than 2 months.