Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park

As promised here is the first of the collection of posts inspired on my recent trip. All I can say is "Utah is an amazing place." This is one of my favorite pictures taken at Bryce. It looks otherworldly to me… If you check out Flickr you can see the other pictures that I took while out there. I actually took over 400 so this was my first attempt at identifying the 100 best. Still sorting.

Anyway, as you can see from the picture, Bryce is barren land, but amazing colors. Like many of the places we went to, it's basically a desert. The geologic structures seen here and elsewhere have to do with the fact that this section of Utah sits on the so-called Colorado plateau which was uplifted to 6-7 and -8 thousand feet at some part in the distant future. The red, by the way, is sandstone with iron content, oxidized.

As I said, Utah is awesome, check it out sometime!

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