[Tivo Owners] Who Killed TivoToGo?

I am a die-hard Tivo user. Yesterday I stumbled across mention that TivoTogo now worked on Macs, so the promise of watching Tivo'd content on my iPod led me to waste a couple of hours trying to get it to work.

I am not sure yet, but it looks like TivoTogo is disabled on Tivo Series 3. It's kind of hard to find anything definitive about this, but in the article "Who Killed TivoTogo" I read:

"It's the latest digital media murder mystery: TiVo Series2's TiVoToGo1 enabled limited portability of recorded content to PCs and other devices, but the TiVo Series3 HD did not include this feature when recently released.2 In other words, if you want to upgrade to HD, you have to downgrade your TiVo's features." (from EFF.ORG)