Back pain relief or fraud?
A friend of mine has been experiencing debilitating back pain for a year now. He's seen pain specialists, surgeons and so on, and so far the only treatment has been pain medications, strong ones. He is desperate.
He recently came across an advertisement for treatment with a device called the DRX 9000. I've been reading about this treatment on the web and find positive reports apparently concentrated on a few sites, and then sporadic reports of shady dealings, FBI investigations and so on.
Here are some links and quotes I was able to find. Do you know anything about this one way or another? Please comment or email me!
Back pain treatment scrutinized: "It sounded like it was well worth the money," Dorjath said. "But it didn't work. I had so much pain afterwards, I literally couldn't walk." but in the same article: "After the third treatment, I could see a big difference," said Debbie Cino, 54, of San Jose. Cino said an extra vertebra in her back made it difficult for her to sit or stand for long periods, and the treatment helped. "I think it's wonderful," she said.
Surgery Not Only Alernative For Back Pain: "They come in on the machine and their bodies are immediately relaxed and their muscle spasms are decreased and the separation of the bones causes the pressure to be off the nerves, decreasing their symptoms," Stafford said."
DRX 9000 Maker Under Investigation: "What can you do? Educate, educate, educate. Don't be afraid to tell people the truth. There is NO literature that shows the DRX 9000 to be more beneficial than standard traction and not much literature that shows traction, in general is helpful."
FBI Raids Medical Supply Business: "TAMPA - Agents from the FBI raided Axiom Worldwide this morning, carrying boxes and bags to a large white van parked in a disabled parking spot in front of the business."
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