Can Shilling focus on 38 Studios and still be a great for the Redsox?
Far be it from me to comment on sports… In fact this is exactly the first sports related post for this blog in 4 years.
Anyway, if you follow the Redsox, you know they/we have/had a great pitcher by the name of Curt Shilling. He's well known by the pitcherati for his heroic performance during the 2004 World Series.
Lately Curt's become popular among the blogerati for his personal blog, 38 Pitches.
So far so good. But did you know that he also heads up a high tech company called 38 Studios?
Yes, "38 Studios is a game development company located in Maynard, MA. Founded by Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, 38 Studios is assembling a team of world- class creative talent to produce a new IP that will shatter the boundaries of conventional gaming and media.", from Curt Shilling's 39 Pitches Blog.
And what's more, 38 Studios is launching with their first public splash at San Diego Comic-Con 2007. Say what? How about focusing on Baseball, Curt?