The Long Tail of Facebook Applications

Check out this post about the distribution of Facebook applications on Christopher Herot's Weblog:


As of today, there are 3,593 applications listed on Facebook. The most popular, Top Friends, has 2.4 million active daily users, and there are half a dozen more that have at least half a million users, but the usage drops off rapidly after that. The curve looks like the familiar long tail, but only if one plots it on a log scale (right). If one looks at the area under the curve, the 41 applications that have between 100,000 and a million users account for 11 million users total. (Of course, there is duplication as most users have more than one application installed). At the bottom, 2,500 applications have less than 100 users and 218 apps have no daily usage at all.

active daily users apps users
over 1,000,000 1 2,420,082
100,000 -999,999 41 11,336,828
10,000 - 99,999 92 2,717,193
1,000 - 9,999 291 981,756
100 - 999 700 234,749
10 - 99 1,250 45,950
1 - 9 1,000 3,850
0 218 0

(from: The Long Tail of Facebook Applications)