All I need is a pair of pants
Check out this post from apophenia (no I didn't write it 🙂
Dear Clothing Designers,
I am disappointed in your lack of understanding of the diversity of women's bodies. I traipsed down Broadway, into Soho, and out to the malls in search of a pair of pants that fit. I was willing to spend a decent amount of money on said pants so I visited everything from high end designers to department and chain stores.
I tried on over 150 pairs and came up empty handed. I tried on pants ranging from sizes 6-12, petites, regulars, and "short." I was even willing to get the bottoms hemmed if only I could find a pair that fit up top. I even tried on the ugly pants.
(from: All I need is a pair of pants.)
Ok, so what I find unbelievable and shocking about this paragraph is that someone would try on over 150 pairs. Let's see, if trying on a pair takes optimistically an average of 5 minutes, and she kept up this pace for 4 hours per day, then our friend danah spent 3 days doing nothingbut trying on pants.
[I've known one other person who insisted that his first name not be capitalized: glenn. Who knows…. But then my name is Pito.]