Seven Do’s And Three Don’ts For Creating New Web Products

Seven Do’s And Three Don’ts For Creating New Web Products contains some excellent Do 's and Don'ts for someone (like me) thinking of starting a new business. Here is just one little 'Do' with which I agree whole heartedly.

"1. Do become a domain expert in some domain. If you are a computer science/programming oriented entrepreneur, there is a great temptation to try to solve general broad problems. This is because we tend to have no other skills. If you study programming that is a skill, but you need to marry that with some understanding of some real world issue. I strongly suggest finding an activity that has a problem and learning inside and out about the people that do that activity and what real issues they have that you may be able to solve." (from Seven Do’s And Three Don’ts For Creating New Web Products)

Check out the whole post Seven Do’s And Three Don’ts For Creating New Web Products from Why does everything suck?: