“What’s next in tech” event in Boston in June

If you live in the Boston area and somehow connected to technology professions you should be interested in this meeting being put on in June:

What's Next In Tech - Where will the next waves of growth will come from?

Date: Thursday, June 25th
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (ET)
Where: Boston University, School of Management, 595 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, 02215
Price: $40

(If you are a student interested in attending this event and would like financial assistance, scholarships are available through www.stayinma.com.)

Take a look at the program, Scott Kirsner of the Boston Globe has lined up an impressive slate of speakers, both successful entrepreneurs as well as folks from the VC community. There will be discussion about mobile software, videogames, robotics, social media, cleantech, cloud computing, all potential major growth areas for us in New England.

I've been very deeply involved lately in what you might broadly call government transparency. Specifically my work is in next generation voting (as in democracy) technology. With what's going on in the economy, and what seems to be the commitment from the current president, I suspect that too will be a growth area. Yes, a lot of the work going on now is non-profit/foundation driven but I say it's a growth business , just like enterprise software was a few years ago. I hope there's discussion of that too at this cool event.

If you are a Boston area entrepreneur, techie, student with a big idea, or all of the above , you should definitelycome to this event.