Why doesn't every one love Rails? I am surprised when I run into someone (Pat?) who's not so sure about Rails. Usually it's about scalability.
[I warned you this is a geeky post]
When I am designing or building a system and am questioned about whether writing it in Ruby or Rails is a good idea. Or if someone asks me my opinion or for advice about whether it makes sense that his or her developers are recommending Rails for a big site.
What I believe is that scalability has to do with the overall system architecture -- caching, queueing, horizontal scalability and so on. It does not have to do with the programming language. (What the LivingSocial guy said about this wasn't quite as polite - he said "get better developers!!!")
I am at this conference, RailsConf, overflowing with hard-core Rails fanatics, so the sample is admittedly biased. But I did pick up some fact-based tidbits.
Did you know that two of the biggest web sites out there today are built totally on Rails? And I don't mean Twitter. No, LivingSocial.com and Groupon.com. Both huge. Both perform beautifully. Both written totally in Rails.
'Nuf said?