What happened to Americans Elect?

Over the last year I mentioned "Americans Elect" several times: Americans Elect: Another Opinion, Field Of Dreams: Americans Elect, and Americans Elect - A viable third party?. Without rehashing or rereading my previous posts, basically, AE promised to get their candidate on the ballot in all 50 states by beginning the legal work really early, while driving an online process to select a candidate. This was their promise (from their own site)

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Their web site was very credible and well done. (I looked at it now, and it's still nice, but they essentially concede that they failed without coming out and saying it.) They had Thomas Friedman talking about them, and I was kind of excited about it. But I became a little nervous about it when I saw a distinct conservative lean in the candidates that they were putting up, and very few names I had ever heard about. I wondered whether this was actually a highly sophisticated operation that wasn't really what they were trying to appear to be.

Well it's been a while since I had heard of Americans Elect but I fully expected them to carry through on their mission and promised. But I just looked at the 'sample ballot" for my town, and Americans Elect actually are nowhere to be found.


I wonder what happened to them!