is not the site I have been looking for

I've been using for years now but every month I hate it a little bit more. It's too big, too slow, and too buggy. But it's solving a problem that I need solved which is a comprehensive cloud based personal finance tool that covers banking, investments, credit cards, reporting and analysis. I can't say that their decline corresponded exactly with when Inuit bought them but… it didn't help either.

I've wondered why no one is tackling this space. I try them all and they all are lacking in one key way or another. Here's a review from the New York Times From those, I've been test driving BillGuard and it seems to have potential but I am not ready to switch yet. So when I read about NerdWallet I thought, based on the name, that I had another candidate. I had to search their web site high and low before I could find a summary of what they do:

We create user-friendly tools, crunch numbers and give you all the results, unfiltered. Across banking, credit cards, education, health care, insurance, investments, mortgages, shopping and travel, we offer data-driven tools and impartial information to help you make solid decisions about the money you work hard to earn. In short, we do the homework so you don't have to.

Nope. Keep looking.