4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class

Link: 4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class: "Incorporating gen AI tools like ChatGPT into your course doesn’t have to disrupt your teaching methods or overhaul your syllabus. If you’re hesitant to try, here are four ways to seamlessly introduce AI and ensure your classes remain dynamic and relevant."

Really good idea. Try this prompt from this article: ““I am having a bit of a hard time with concepts related to early-stage financing. Please test me on the following: pre-money valuation, post-money valuation, investment size, and ownership stakes. I’d like you to ask me three questions in succession. Wait for my answer on each, and then assess my answer. Do not give me the answer, even if I ask. Instead, if I am struggling or get the wrong answer, please give me a hint. Start now with the first question.”