System tests have failed

Link: System tests have failed: "When we introduced a default setup for system tests in Rails 5.1 back in 2016, I had high hopes. In theory, system tests, which drive a headless browser through your actual interface, offer greater confidence that the entire machine is working as it ought. And because it runs in a black-box fashion, it should be more resilient to imple..."

DHH declares system tests to be a failed experiment in the attached document. This is surprising to me but then not surprising. Surprised because intuitively it seems that system tests should be better for the stated reasons. And politically because it seems that the Ruby world had accepted that unit tests are easy to write but too brittle. And system tests were more real-life and robust. But not surprised because I have always found system tests a pain to write. But I don’t have large scale experience with that so I tended to agree with the world that system tests (aka end-to-end tests) were better. So here comes #DHH to argue that system tests have failed!