Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Major Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half of 2024

Link: Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Major Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half of 2024: "In the first half of 2024, Ruby LSP has seen significant enhancements, particularly in the area of code navigation, thanks to the advancement of its indexer. In this post, we’ll dive into the major code navigation enhancements that have been made to Ruby LSP. We’ll also touch on some experimental features that are on the horizon."

Linked is a comprehensive explanation of the Ruby LSP. RUBY,I had to look up what the P stood for. Actually the correct usage is either “LSP server” because LSP stands for “Language server protocol”… or just language server. Maybe the name LSP is morphing from a pure acronym to just the name of the feature, detached from the initials. Yes programmers are so pedantic, don’t you agree?